Daily update 21st May 2020 – Thank you
Thank you so very much for the lovely messages that we received yesterday. I have passed any sent through to me onto the specific teachers mentioned and I’ve passed your more general thank you messages to the whole staff. I know that these were greatly appreciated and made people smile. Your messages brought a tear or two to my eye on more than one occasion – they really did make our day.

After half term
There has been no further update from the Department for Education yet about Year 10 and Year 12 face to face support. We have been continuing with our risk assessments, checklists and thinking on this and have various different scenarios that we are considering. We can do little more at this stage without the further government guidance I’m afraid. We will be open after half term for vulnerable and keyworker children as usual. We will not be inviting any other Year 10 or Year 12 into school during the week beginning 1st June, instead we are working on a further enhancement for all learners throughout the home learning strategy. There is likely to be more face to face opportunity through Microsoft teams starting from 1st June.

Once we have the further guidance, we will share our initial plans and risk assessments with both staff and parents. There will be an opportunity for staff to share any questions or concerns with me and parents of Year 10 and 12 will be asked to complete a survey to share your thoughts with me too. At all stages in planning and implementation the first priority is the safety of staff and students.

Year 9
Over the next few days we are looking at finalising the Year 9 option choices. We will be in touch as soon as possible after half term with confirmations of subjects for Year 10.


This Friday’s quiz code is 345407. The link is https://myquiz.org.

Once again if anyone has any questions please email helen.gordon26@outlook.com. The winner of the quiz can also contact Helen Gordon on this email to receive their prize.

Take care everyone.

With very best wishes,

Jo Tunnicliffe

NK Academy