Daily update 4th May 2020 – I hope you all had a good weekend. I’m planning to do another video update later this week. If you or your son/daughter would like to do a short video about what they have been doing and send it to us, we’d love to hear from you!

Summary of last week:
• Staff on the rota were in school to support vulnerable children and children of keyworkers.
• Teachers were continuing to support students with work that they had set and were feeding back through teams. 
• Leaders and teachers have continued the work on the Year 11 and 13 grading.
• Teachers provided work for Year 11 to start bridging work for their 6th form studies and responded to these students on an individual basis.
• A group of staff, led by Mr Smith, have made over a thousand visors that have gone out into the medical and care communities – well done and thank you to those staff. 
• Many staff have been making scrub bags and face masks to go out into the community. 

Challenge Tasks
This week’s challenge tasks are attached and also available in the Parent section of the website in NK at Home.

When it was announced that May Day this year would be moved from Monday to Friday I thought that change would be strange. Of course, now that it probably the least strange thing we have heard! We’re not yet sure if school will need to be open on Friday for vulnerable children or those of keyworkers; we will open for them if the demand is there. It is a bank holiday so we anticipate that, other than specific staff in the academy, staff won’t be working remotely on Friday.

With very best wishes,

Jo Tunnicliffe

NK Academy