Daily update 1st May 2020 – It’s the end of another week in lockdown and finally the end of April! I hope you are all keeping well and safe. The experiences of each family is different in these strange times. Some are busier than they have ever been with the juggle of caring for family members, old and young, whilst also trying to go to work or work at home. Others have much less on their plate and are trying to find new ways of occupying their days and evenings. The challenges of lockdown are real and we have spoken to many of you about your concerns and have tried to help wherever we can. We have also heard from many of you of the interesting and fabulous activities you and your children have been doing – there are some examples of this below to give ideas to others and to celebrate the creativity and imagination of our community.

Tribute to Colonel Tom

Lewis spent yesterday afternoon making a tribute to the man who has raised millions of pounds for the NHS by doing laps of his garden at the age of 99, now 100. Lewis is pictured below with the tribute he made to say ‘Happy 100th Birthday’ to Colonel Tom.


Please keep sending us what your children and families have been doing during lockdown, with a picture if you have it and they will let you send it in to us! One of our families has been doing lots of different and creative things which include: painting a pallet in rainbow colours for passers by to see, painting pebbles for the postman, decorating the dustbin to bring smiles, digging a vegetable patch, daily walks with the dog, lots of cooking, daily dance lessons on zoom, supporting their younger siblings, making needle felted toys for a cat of an isolating lady. Well done!

Send information and photos by replying to the daily updates or send through to enquiries@nkacademy.co.uk.


This Friday’s quiz code is 142005. The link is https://myquiz.org. If anyone has any questions please email helen.gordon26@outlook.com and the winner of the quiz can contact her on this email to receive their prize.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

With very best wishes,

Jo Tunnicliffe

NK Academy