Daily update 6th April 2020 – I hope you were able to enjoy a little of the sunshine over the weekend whilst staying at home.

Well done to those who took part in the quiz on Friday evening.  I have had lots of messages to say that people enjoyed it.

Challenge Tasks

These aren’t compulsory of course but might be useful to keep everyone entertained!

Why not go on a virtual visit to the zoo at https://www.chesterzoo.org/?

Or how about listening to one of the books at Audible https://stories.audible.com/start-listen

Year 11 and 13

Please see the email sent on Friday about the information and guidance from Ofqual and what happens next.  That email tells you who to contact if you have any queries.

Free School Meals

The government have now launched a scheme which includes access to free school meal provision during the Easter holidays.  If we know that you are eligible for free school meals you will receive an email from our finance team shortly about how to access this provision from today.  If you think you are eligible for free school meals but you are not yet claiming them, please go to https://www.gov.uk/apply-free-school-meals where you can check eligibility and apply.  Our finance team would be happy to help with any enquiries.  Please contact them on finance@nkacademy.co.uk if you have any questions.

Take care everyone.

With very best wishes,

Jo Tunnicliffe


NK Academy