From July 2015 all schools are subject to a duty to prevent people being drawn into terrorism, radicalisation or extremist behaviours. This duty is known as The Prevent duty and North Kesteven Academy’s policies and procedures in relation to the Prevent Duty are detailed in the Safeguarding policy available here. 

During school opening hours, should you have any concerns relating to radicalisation or extremism that might affect your child or another North Kesteven Academy student then please contact the Academy on 01522 881010 as soon as you possibly can and we will do our very best to support you.

Should this be outside of school hours or we are unavailable for any reason then we would advise that you contact Lincolnshire Children’s Services for further advice on 01522 782111 (out of hours: 01522 782333).

Building pupil resilience against radicalisation

North Kesteven Academy builds pupils’ resilience to radicalisation by providing a safe environment for debating controversial issues and helping them to understand how they can influence and participate in decision-making. We are very experienced in promoting the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils and, within this, fundamental British values.

The academy’s Learning for Life programme is an effective way of providing pupils with dedicated time to explore these issues, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to understand and manage difficult situations. We use the programme to teach pupils to recognise and manage risk, make safer choices, and recognise when pressure from others threatens a student’s personal safety and wellbeing. Students will be educated about effective methods of resisting pressure, including knowing when, where and how to get help. We encourage pupils to develop positive character traits such as resilience, determination, self-esteem, and confidence.  We also take this opportunity to tackle a range of sensitive safeguarding issues as a means to ensure that our students can recognise where their safety may be at risk and to be able to make informed and sensible decisions in order to keep themselves safe.

IT policies

North Kesteven Academy has suitable filters in place in order to ensure that children are safe from terrorists and extremist material when accessing the internet in school. Students are also educated on how to stay safe online both in and outside of school. Internet safety is fundamental to our school’s IT curriculum and is embedded within the PHSE curriculum.

Risk Assessment

Lincolnshire is identified as being a relatively low-risk area for the potential for young people to be drawn into extremism. As with managing other safeguarding risks, staff at North Kesteven Academy are trained to use their professional judgement to identify children who may be at risk of radicalisation and clear procedures are in place to protect these children. These procedures can be found in the North Kesteven Academy safeguarding policy.

Useful Resources & Links

The school’s safeguarding policy can be found here.

Lincolnshire Family Services Directory – a brilliant resource detailing all of Lincolnshire’s support services that might be of use to families.

Further advice and information regarding the Prevent Strategy and preventing radicalisation and extremism:

Families against stress and trauma: