Summary of course content:

Year one—Certificate

The course is divided into two units each year. The units cover the topic areas that will be assessed in the two, 2- part exams. Part A covers multiple choice questions whereas part B covers extended writing.

Exam dates for the Unit 1 are typically January with Unit 2 in May.

Year Two—Diploma

This follows the same format of assessment with the exams for units 3 and 4 in January and May respectively

The course is delivered through teacher input in classroom based learning and you are expected to broaden your knowledge and support your understanding with learning beyond the classroom.

Progression and Career routes:

This course will serve as an excellent foundation for many undergraduate courses, particularly Business,  Finance and Accountancy. Job prospects are excellent with past students entering Accountancy, Banking and Journalism.

How to access this course:

A robust and independent learning style, good punctuality and previous attendance in year 11.

Grade 4 in English and Maths.

A teacher recommendation will also be considered if the course requirements were not met.

Course Information

    • Finance Diploma
    • Mr L Athersych
    • 100%
    • 0%

